Visual artist - Curator


Sabine H. Engelhart-Petersen curates exhibitions and cultural projects. She realizes presentations and assists visual artists in crafting their exhibitions. As cultural manager she is responsible for exhibition projects, including exhibitions in unique local venues, like during the Billstedt United project, founded by the Federal Ministery of Interior and Community of Germany. She is a certified curator, having completed an advanced training program at the University of Hamburg.

Stiftung Kulturpalast Plakat 2023
Lieblingsplätze Flyer 2021
Lieblingsplätze Ausstellung 2021
Augenhöhe Ausstellungsprojekt 2023
Flora und Fauna Digitales Archiv 2023
BilleVue Plakat 2022
Planet-Billstedt Kultur Palast 2022
Kunstbudenplatz Flyer 2024
Hauptsache Farben ILSb 2023
Hauptsache Farben Broschüre 2023